Thursday, June 30, 2011

P.S. I Hate You, Jon Stewart

Oh right, but sometimes you make mistakes Jon...

The 'Oopsies' of Jon Stewart

1. I get that you are a comedian. But at least admit that people look to you as a news source!

Most critics of the Daily Show argue that Jon Stewart isn't really comedian as many viewers tend to look to him as a news source rather than a place of satirical value. Jon Stewart always denies this and places the fact that he is first and foremost a comedian and is not a journalist. Hence, journalists should not look to his show for comparison.

I get that Jon is a comedian. I love his work, I even subscribe to him on iTunes (10 bucks for 16 episodes, not bad). Yet I admittedly look to him for current information, views, and even what the hell is going on these days in 'politics.' I understand that you are:
  • Not an idealogue
  • Not a participant of partisan hackery
  • A COMEDIAN (geezus)
  • A nice guy who makes fun of absurdity rather than political partisanship
However, to me at least, Jon is not just a plain old comedian. He is a political commentator who presents his viewpoint through humor. My views are sometimes shaped by his commentary on subjects. Especially on the 'Crisis of the Dairy land' (Wisconsin vs. Teacher Unions; more on that one day). So one day Jon, please let us all know that you interpret rather than observe.

Also, you can't be 'a comedian first' and not equated to journalistic shows if the people who show up to your shows are politicians and well-known public figures such as Bill O'Reilly, President Barack Obama, Michael Mullen, etc. etc.

2. Admit that you have more influence than you think

I might be wrong here, but there are many times that Jon Stewart has rejected claims that he is the cause of many incedents or what not. Maybe I'm wrong again but I believe that Jon Stewart has also denied shaping the views of his audience.

Well Jon, I think you're wrong.
  • Crossfire
    You got it CANCELED. Former CNN CEO even referenced the case you made on the show as one of his factors of getting rid of it. Take pride in it, don't demolish it. 
  • Rick Sanchez
    By calling you a bigot... he got fired. (Although he did say many other things, this contributed to the firing).
  • John Kerry skipped Bill O'Reilly for you
    Presidential Candidate on your show... and not Bill's. Well hot-damn.
  • Jim Cramer and that publicity
    The world was anticipating that day where you confronted Jim Cramer... and won. No one has stopped talking about it since. Many journalists praised you for that confrontation.

Oh yeah, voted you the most influential man of 2010.

All in all, I do love Jon Stewart. I consider him one of my idols. Not that I want to emulate him or anything. It's because of him that I someday want to be a journalist, I want to be better  than the ones that he criticizes.

I may have faulty criticisms and whatever, but then again I might not. But I still love you Jon Stewart.

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